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(2 edits)

Added a lot of tutorial-esque info windows, and more progression with the boxes. The game ends out about when you get to plant and harvest some plants in the geodome. At least the clueless folks will have some idea what they are doing. Not too much gameplay to be had so far sadly. Still let me know what you think, ideas suggestions etc. Tried porting it to linux and mac but i don't know if it even worked it would be nice to know. Anyways have fun. I was thinking i might add a quest log and get all that rubbish off the screen. meh lotsa work still to do. double edit-forgot i disabled the crusher because it hadn't been programmed in yet so that it can be "made".

The constructor makes some things now, also I added a Crusher(which also makes some new things). Also added a cheat where you can press B to get Cargo Boxes (for those who don't wanna hunt around and gather all the cargo boxes.) Still no save function, though I don't see much point in doing that yet.

Added a constructor. It doesn't actually make anything yet but I gave it some animation. You can see it animate by holding 'E' while near it

I added some sprites for wheat and made the plants plant-able and harvest-able.

Well i added some planters and made some sprites for corn and tomato plants. They aren't rigged up so they are plant-able yet. I also changed Buildbots size, and the door for the Geo-dome because Buildbot couldn't fit in there.

I added kind of a tutorial for what you're supposed to be doing in the earliest stages of the game, still needs polishin up. Working on it hope you guys like it so far. If you guys have any suggestions on what i should add feel free to comment. I was thinking of adding some planters in the biodome so you can grow some food plants in there :P. I was also thinking I need something to make with all the stuff from the particle separator.

Added some more stuff, still not quite a game yet.

Well added some more stuff to it, its still not really a "game" yet, but I'm working on it.